Passing Through the Course

“Every good teacher hopes to give his students so much of his own learning that they will one day no longer need him. This is the one true goal of the teacher.” (T-4.1.5)

It is ironic that as a mentor for students of A Course in Miracles my job is to help you get past the Course. The Course offers you a theology, or system of belief, that is more in line with Truth to replace one you already hold. Yet, you will reach a point where you won’t need any theology because you have a direct relationship with God that is beyond any “belief”. And the structured, formal lessons in the Workbook will be replaced by direct, informal lessons from your Holy Spirit. In essence, a mentor guides you through the Course and out the other side, where you will need neither the mentor nor any structured curriculum.


Bethie Marie said…
Great blog!

Thank God for "A Course in Miracles"!

ACIM Mentor said…
Thank you, HolyInheritance! I'm tracking how people find my blog or website, so if you'd care to let me know, please drop me an e-mail at

Carrie Genevachild said…
Yes. My experience of God is beyond belief.

"The next stage is indeed 'a period of unsettling.' And now he must attain a state that may remain impossible to reach for a long, long time...Were not each step in this direction so heavily reinforced, it would be hard indeed!" (M.4.I.A.7)

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