Joel Goldsmith's Infinite Way
On my path to God, the only other writing that has helped me is Joel Goldsmith’s Infinite Way and related writings. In fact, whenever my mind would get all cob-webby studying the Course, I would take a break and read some of his works. It would clear my mind enough for me to get back to the Course.
Goldsmith emphasized metaphysics, and not everything he wrote is strictly in line with the Course’s theology. But he emphasized what is important – going within and connecting with God. A lot of what he wrote was spontaneous prayer. I recommend it to any Course student.
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Goldsmith emphasized metaphysics, and not everything he wrote is strictly in line with the Course’s theology. But he emphasized what is important – going within and connecting with God. A lot of what he wrote was spontaneous prayer. I recommend it to any Course student.
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This was a tough, no holds barred, talk, telling us how it is. It was bracing. Invigorating. Like listening to my personal trainer telling me to get back into the ring.